This page has been created as a resource for information on event transportation, parking, and entry for our events. Please use this page and our event app to help navigate our events. If you are flying in, Palm Springs Airport (PSP) will be your most optimal airport option.
Please note you must be registered for specific events to enter them depending on your registration package or A-La-Carte selection.
Industry Expo presented by United Airlines
Parking: Parking for the Industry Expo is available to attendees and exhibitors on the East side of the convention center. Enter via N Avenida Caballeros road. There is no fee to attendees for parking in this lot. 277 N Avenida Caballeros, Palm Springs, CA 92262.
Event Entry: Attendees may enter from either the East side of the Convention Center off N Avenida Caballeros road, or via the Renaissance Hotel off the California Ballroom Foyer hall.
Badge Pickup & Check-in: All attendees must first pick up their event badge to enter the venue if they have not done so already. Follow onsite signage at entry, or the event app, check-in located in the California Ballroom Foyer.
Thursday Evening Twilight Palms Social
Parking: You may park in the East side parking lot of the Palm Springs Convention Center, and navigate your way to East Lawn.
Event Entry: Attendees may enter from either the East side of the Convention Center off N Avenida Caballeros road, or via the Renaissance Hotel off the California Ballroom Foyer Hall. A check-in area will be located outside the exit doors from the California Ballroom Foyer Hall. Signage starting in the Renaissance Hotel lobby will also help direct you.
Badge Pickup & Check-in: All attendees must first pick up their event badge at the onsite check-in desk to enter the venue if they have not done so already. Our check-in desk is next to the event entry location listed above.
Friday Evening Palm Springs Air Museum Reception
Transportation: NGPA provides a complimentary shuttle to the Palm Springs Air Museum departing from the front doors of the Palm Springs Renaissance Hotel. The shuttle runs round robin every 15 minutes or so during the event. Buses drop off directly at the front doors of the Palm Springs Air Museum.
Parking: Parking is available at the Palm Springs Air Museum at no charge. 745 N Gene Autry Trail, Palm Springs, CA 92262.
Event Entry: Attendees may enter this through the front doors of the Palm Springs Air Museum.
Badge Pickup & Check-in: All attendees must first pick up their event badge at the onsite check-in desk to enter the venue if they have not done so already. Volunteers and signage will guide you into the event.
Saturday Airport Lunch & Queen of the Fleet
Transportation: NGPA provides a complimentary shuttle to the event departing from the front doors of the Palm Springs Renaissance Hotel. The shuttle runs round robin every 15 minutes or so during the event. Buses drop off directly at the entry doors to the hangar.
Parking: Parking at the event site itself is discouraged. Please try to use our shuttle from the Renaissance Hotel. If you do need to park onsite, please navigate to Signature Aviation PSP 250 N El Cielo Road. Palm Springs, CA 92262. Parking onsite is extremely limited and discouraged.
Event Entry: Attendees may enter this through the marked door of the hangar.
Badge Pickup & Check-in: All attendees must first pick up their event badge at the onsite check-in desk to enter the venue if they have not done so already. Volunteers and signage will guide you into the event.
Saturday NGPA Gala presented by American Airlines
Parking: Parking for the gala is available in the Palm Springs Rennaisance Hotel Lot for a nominal fee.
Event Entry: Attendees may enter from the Palm Springs Rennaisance Hotel Lobby and proceed towards the California Ballroom Foyer hall. Signage will be available to help direct.
Badge Pickup & Check-in: All attendees must first pick up their event badge at the onsite check-in desk to enter the venue if they have not done so already. Follow onsite signage at entry, or the event app, for check-in location.