Happy Pride Month, Everyone!! Chapters across NGPA have been letting their sparkle shine by celebrating Pride and Building, Supporting, and Uniting the LGBTQ Aviation Community!
NGPA Ohio kicked off Pride with get togethers in Cleveland and Columbus! Other chapters participated in Pride Parades and social events like Wasatch Wings in SLC, Gotham City Flyers in NYC, Stick and Rudder in ATL, Out on The Runway in DC, and Gulf Coast Flyers attended Pride Night at a Houston Astros Game. Our local chapters, led by Local Chapter Directors, are where members of NGPA have the most interaction with each other and we are tickled pink that chapters are so active!
We want to know when your chapter has an event! Click here to notify NGPA of your chapter’s next event and get on the calendar.
As summer gets into full swing, our Local Chapters are hosting a wide variety of events. Our Canadian friends are taking time off from fighting wildfires to celebrate Pride in YYZ, the Windy City Flyers are getting ready to march in the Chicago Pride Parade, and in Dallas, you can soon cool off at a pool party. View the Events Calendar here: https://www.ngpa.org/calendar
We also have exciting news about our growing list of chapters! We are super happy to announce new chapters in Portland, OR and Las Vegas, NV!! These chapters are in the preflight stage and will be cleared for takeoff soon!! If you live or travel to these cities, you will soon have fellow NGPA members to socialize with in PDX and LAS!! More chapters are in the works so keep an eye out!
Finally, Local Chapter Directors and other Chapter Volunteers have some new resources to help them with running their chapters. NGPA has developed a Chapter Handbook and Local Chapter Director Training. These are great resources for our fabulous NGPA Volunteers!