St. Louis Park, MN, January 5, 2020 – The National Gay Pilots Association (NGPA) is pleased to announce that The Abingdon Co. is offering a limited edition of 50 specially designed watches for purchase to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the NGPA. Each high-quality timepiece is embossed with its individual serial number and features the letters NGPA on the dial with a moveable inner bezel for setting a second time zone.
“A well-made watch can be built to pay tribute to a moment in time that is extraordinary,” Abingdon Mullin, CEO of The Abingdon Co. says. “It can be worn daily to remind oneself that they are part of a team, a family. When the time is right, it can be passed on to future generations to teach them of the milestones accomplished by those before them. The NGPA 30-year anniversary watch is designed to withstand the test of time for each of its 50 owners.
“We are excited to partner with The Abingdon Co., a long-time and strong partner ally, to launch an exclusive NGPA 30th anniversary watch to debut at our flagship event in Palm Springs,” said NGPA President David Pettet. “This creative design and affordable cost make this watch a unique and functional heirloom and a great way to benefit NGPA as 100% of the sale of each watch will benefit member programs and advocacy,” Pettet concluded. Details of the 30th Anniversary NGPA Watch are online at
NGPA’s 30th anniversary recognition begins this week at the 2020 Palm Spring Winter Warm-up Presented by United Airlines. This year’s sold-out event expects to welcome a record-setting crowd for three days of career development, education sessions, networking and scholarship recognition. Event information remains available at
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Founded in 1990, NGPA is an international organization of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) aviation enthusiasts and professionals from around the world. Through education, outreach programs, and events the organization encourages members of the LGBTQ community to begin aviation careers, fosters equal treatment of the LGBTQ aviation community through advocacy and outreach, promotes aviation safety, and provides an affirming social and professional network for the LGBTQ aviation community. Learn more by visiting us at