Message from the Executive Director August 2024

Dear Friends, 

Earlier this month, the Board of Directors, along with Operation Team Leaders, met in person for the annual board meeting. I want to extend our deepest gratitude to United Airlines for hosting NGPA’s leadership team at their headquarters in downtown Chicago. The opportunity to connect with the leadership at United and explore ways to further our shared mission of supporting and uniting the LGBTQ+ aviation community was invaluable.

During the meeting, significant progress was made in reviewing progress over the past year, in addition to aligning current and future goals to the five-year strategic plan. I am pleased to share the passing of NGPA’s annual budget, which includes increased resources dedicated to local connection opportunities and the expansion of our member support services! These investments are critical to our mission, and will empower our chapters across the country to create more engagement opportunities within the aviation community and provide support to our members in need.

A special thanks goes out to the local leaders of the Windy City Chapter, Dan Hopkins & Mel Gross, who went above and beyond in planning an unforgettable social event while the board was in town! 

As we look to the year ahead, the Operations Team is more motivated than ever to continue delivering on the board-approved strategic plan. Thanks again to United Airlines and the Windy City Chapter for their help in making this year’s annual meeting a success!