Is anyone else tired of the snow?...
Welcome back to the March edition of On The Fly! We are ecstatic to announce that some new developments we have been working on are finally coming to fruition. Since stepping into the marketing committee, we noticed a minor gap in our image to be meeting the utmost inclusion. With the help of our new Executive Director, we have finalized a change in our branding to embody our membership fully. We are now NGPA: The Worldwide LGBTQ+ Aviation Community. The addition of “Q+” can be found across our social platforms, the name on future emails from us, and everywhere else!
We also want to wish everyone a Happy Women’s History Month! As you can see from this newsletter, we recognize our female members and trailblazers that have come before us! Be on the lookout for an awesome video going out on our social platforms within the next week! Please show your support by sharing, commenting, and reposting it to your feeds!
Throughout history, women have faced many hardships. Although there is still work to be done, there have been many advancements in equality through the dedication of several trailblazers. Susan B. Anthony is a great example of this. Growing up in the early 1800s, Susan dedicated her life to advocating for women’s rights. Throughout her life, she led the women’s suffrage movement, advocating for things like labor rights, equal pay, and women’s right to vote. Prior to her death in 1906, she led the National Women’s Suffrage Association, which she helped to create. Through Susan and other advocates for women’s rights, we have made great strides in the fight for equality. This month, I urge you to research some of these trailblazers and take some time to recognize their successes.
Back to Marketing: We have made good progress with working towards our goal of 10K on Instagram, approaching 9.3K! We will implement LinkedIn changes at the start of Q2; look for new content, such as Ascend Mentorship Program stories, career development nuggets from our corporate sponsors, and member accomplishments in a grouped regular cadence (to name a few) starting April 1, 2023. Join our team! To continue great work, we need more talented and dedicated volunteers. Reach out to either of us for more information or if you are interested in getting involved.
Short-term Projects
Surpass 10k followers on Instagram
- We need support from our members to reach this goal! Increasing our followership will unlock new marketing instruments. Please interact with our posts as much as possible by liking, sharing, and reposting with your family, friends, and colleagues. We hope to complete this project by June 1.
Establish a more professional LinkedIn presence
- Outlining types and frequency of postings that are consistent with the workplace atmosphere of the platform. Growing this platform is necessary as well so that we can continue to enhance displayed offerings via Career Connection. Implementation is scheduled to begin on April 1.
Collaborate with ally organizations
- Working with like-minded organizations will allow us to capitalize on shared experiences, resources, and membership. Our Peer Organization Liaison is brainstorming ideas to execute this project. This project is ongoing.
Long-term Projects
- Analyze components of OTF to understand what content readers want
- Establish uniformity within our social media platforms
- Review and compare quarterly social media analytics to understand opportunities for adaptation and growth
We want to hear from you! If you have any questions or ideas for the Marketing Committee, submit them here.