Contrails NGPA's publications are a key tool for members to stay connected. Every issue contains compelling editorial content covering current events, politics, fashion, health, aviation education, informative resources for professional pilots, event recaps, and a calendar of exciting upcoming events. CONTRAILS is printed quarterly and mailed to every level of paid membership, distributed at official NGPA events, sponsored events, and 60 universities and colleges for future aviators. An electronic version is distributed via the NGPA website at ngpa.org.

On the Fly Newsletter Our organization's monthly, digital newsletter is packed with the latest news and events at NGPA and within the LGBTQ aviation community, distributed to our full membership base. Users read On the Fly to stay abreast of NGPA event announcements, nationwide local LGBTQ events, important dates, and member benefit highlights.
Become an NGPA Partner
Take advantage of exposure to thousands of people in our aviation community!
With an average salary of over $160,000, NGPA is an excellent opportunity for marketing exposure and mutually-beneficial corporate sponsorship. Partnerships with companies like yours are what the global LGBTQ aviation community needs to make aviation a safe, fun, and equal place.
If you would like more information, or would like to become a corporate sponsor, please contact: